So thankful for The Scripture that show us God’s will for our lives. Charles Wesley’s hymn “a charge to keep I have” was my devotional hymn for October 4. Moses said to keep the charge of the Lord, that ye die not. Everyone of us has a needful duty to be done and our generation to serve for it is the charge of the Lord our Master.

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1 A charge to keep I have,

a God to glorify,

a never-dying soul to save,

and fit it for the sky.

2 To serve the present age,

my calling to fulfill,

O may it all my pow'rs engage

to do my Master's will!

3 Arm me with watchful care

as in Thy sight to live,

and now Thy servant, Lord, prepare

a strict account to give!

4 Help me to watch and pray,

and still on Thee rely,

O let me not my trust betray,

but press to realms on high.

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Thank you!

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