My heart is broken for my beautiful United States of America and all that is currently taking place here. Yet the Lord has already been patient, kind, merciful and held out His hand for our repentance. Time after time we have treated His discipline with contempt and rebellion. His Word is true and the consequences of our sin is/will be great.

All my life I have wondered what it would take for the many Jews in our land to leave and return to Israel? They have enjoyed much in the US and lived in overall peace. That has all changed in a short period of time!

Just yesterday I speculated to my husband, "I wonder how many applications to make aliyah have already been made since this vile takeover of our college campuses has been allowed?"

Any thinking person would want to grab their family and flee the land. For the Jews, the only safe place would be Israel. For the rest of us? We must continue to stand and agree with the Lord's heart for the United States.

Standing in the gap is costly and sacrificial. But it is what the Lord requires of those who operate in fidelity to His Word.

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Bless you! Agreed!

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Sister Christine, our Lord has revealed this and so much more unto me that even though I praise the Lord for you sharing this truth, it is old news and needs to be expounded upon so the simple people can actually see it unfolding before their eyes.

Our Lord has blessed me with the gift of discernment and has revealed why we are here and why he made Israel to be His Peculiar people and why the one world government has to happen and much much more. I am just a poor simple man that prays daily for Israel and wish I had the means to get there and share this blessed information with all who has ears to hear. But that is all up to Him and Him alone. May the Love and Peace of our Lord Yeshua be with you all. Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss and God be with you. Amen.

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Hello... Thanks for this sharing... Next week we have Easter... Blessings to you and Peter and the rest Family! Ps. 121.

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Thank you for sharing this timely Word from the Lord. Thank you for all you do for Jesus! ❤️

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