11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

So encouraging! Excerpt from interview with Caroline Glick (YouTube): “Something significant has happened in Israel over the past year. It’s like the saying about alcoholics—they have to hit rock bottom before they begin the process of recovery and healing. For Israel, October 7th was rock bottom. What occurred on that day was so heinous, barbaric, and sadistic that it sparked an immediate and overwhelming return to faith among the Jewish people.

This resurgence of faith is deeply visible. In pop music, for instance, many songs now contain biblical references and sound more like prayers than typical rock songs. Soldiers going into battle are engaging in more fervent prayer, and there is even Torah study taking place in Gaza between battles. These practices were present before but were more on the margins of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Now, they are much more widespread. It’s not just soldiers from religious communities; everyone is participating. Rabbis who do outreach are receiving more requests, even from secular Jews, for tefillin—the leather straps used in prayer—which is traditionally associated with Orthodox men. Young men, some who never had a Bar Mitzvah, are now asking to participate in these rituals.

This religious awakening is also unifying the nation. Before the invasion, especially in places like Tel Aviv, there was growing intolerance from the political left, where there were attempts to push Judaism out of public life. Those actions caused a lot of anger, but that kind of behavior is unlikely to be tolerated anymore. People are recognizing that the events of October 7th happened because they are Jewish, and if they want to survive, they must face this challenge as Jews.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6JZtGPBGks

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Our Almighty God is on The eternal Throne !!!

Just recently whilst travelling in Germany I was told over and over again that Biblical Believers need to read The Holy Word of God more. It is true. Immersing oneself in Torah; Messiah Yeshua is The Living Torah we will be well founded and ready by His Grace to stand. Deuteronomy reveals His character. He is The same, yesterday, today and forevermore !! Our God simply does not change.

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