Sep 12Liked by Christine Darg

Thank you for this very helpful round up, Christine.

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2 Thessalonians 2:11. “For this reason He will send strong delusion on them so that they will believe the lie”

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This is the most truthful message I have heard in a long time. Thank you for this. I pulled myself out of a false church in 1999 and from there the Lord has taught me truths.

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Hearing Jesus’ words in the four gospels helps me to know and see him better. And in this fourth deception of the church, the scriptures open up the real Jesus and the real message to look at these filthy rags and come to repentance and take up the cross and follow Him.

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Mat: 7:22 doesn't say in our name but rather in Thy Name sister. Please be sure we proof read our messages before sending them. Not meaning to pick but in this day and age people will get what they choose and twist the truth of His Word any way they can. May the Lord Jesus Christ Bless and Keep you in His Love and Peace Sister. Amen

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